Source code for blockify.utilities

from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from pybedtools import BedTool

# numpy log10 float max
FLOAT_MAX = np.finfo(np.float64).max

# Fast method for getting number of lines in a file
# For BED files, much faster than calling len() on file
# From
[docs]def file_len(fname): """Fast method for getting number of lines in a file. For BED files, much faster than calling len() on a BedTool object. From Parameters ---------- fname: str Input (text) filename Returns ------- length: int Length of fname """ with open(fname) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass return i + 1
[docs]def getChromosomesInDF(df): """Helper function to get a list of unique chromsomes in a ``pandas`` DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df: ``pandas`` DataFrame Input genomic data (e.g BED, qBED, CCF) as a DataFrame Returns ------- chroms: list List of chromosomes """ return reduce(lambda l, x: l if x in l else l + [x], df["chrom"], [])
[docs]def isSortedBEDObject(bed_object): """Tests whether a BedTool object is sorted. Parameters ---------- bed_object: BedTool object Input data as a BedTool object Returns ------- is_sorted: bool """ # Convert BedTool object to pandas DataFrame df = bed_object.to_dataframe() # First, check that chrom is in sorted order if df["chrom"].is_monotonic: # If so, check that the start coordinates are in order chroms = getChromosomesInDF(df) for c in chroms: if not df[df["chrom"] == c]["start"].is_monotonic: return False return True return False
[docs]def isSortedBEDFile(bed_file_path): """Wrapper function to feed filepaths isSortedBEDObject. Parameters ---------- bed_file_path: str Path to BED/qBED/CCF data file Returns ------- is_sorted: bool """ return isSortedBEDObject(BedTool(bed_file_path))