from pybedtools import BedTool
from . import segmentation
from . import utilities
import warnings
# Generates a normalized bedgraph of event rate for BED-formatted genomic data.
# The output file can be visualized on genome browsers.
# Suppress certain warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=ResourceWarning)
[docs]def validateNormalizationArguments(input_file, regions_bed, libraryFactor, lengthFactor):
"""Validates parameters passed via the command line.
input_file: BedTool object
BedTool object (instantiated from pybedtools) for input data
regions_bed: BedTool object
BedTool object (instantiated from pybedtools) for regions over which we are normalizing input_file
libraryFactor: float
Scalar to normalize by input_file's library size.
lengthFactor: float or None
Scalar to normalize by each block's length. If None, no length normalization is performed.
None: None
# Check that the input file is sorted
assert utilities.isSortedBEDObject(input_file), "input file must be sorted"
# Check that regions is also sorted
assert utilities.isSortedBEDObject(regions_bed), "regions BED file must be sorted"
# Check libraryFactor
assert libraryFactor > 0, "--libraryFactor should be a positive number"
# Check lengthFactor
if lengthFactor is not None:
assert lengthFactor > 0, "--lengthFactor should be a positive number"
[docs]def normalize(input_file, regions_bed, libraryFactor, lengthFactor):
"""Core normalization method
input_file: BedTool object
BedTool object (instantiated from pybedtools) for input data
regions_bed: BedTool object
BedTool object (instantiated from pybedtools) for regions over which we are normalizing input_file
libraryFactor: float
Scalar to normalize by input_file's library size.
lengthFactor: float or None
Scalar to normalize by each block's length. If None, no length normalization is performed.
bedgraph: BedTool
A BedTool object in bedGraph format, using the intervals supplied in regions_bed
# input_file and regions_bed are BedTool objects
# Calculate library scaling constant, which is the total number
# Validate normalization arguments
validateNormalizationArguments(input_file, regions_bed, libraryFactor, lengthFactor)
# of events in input BED divided by the library factor
library_scaling_constant = len(input_file.to_dataframe()) / libraryFactor
# For each interval in regions, count the number of events;
# normalize the count by library_scaling_constant.
# The last call to .iloc should be able to accomodate region BED files with arbitrary numbers of fields
intersect_df = regions_bed.intersect(input_file, c=True, sorted=True).to_dataframe().iloc[:, [0, 1, 2, -1]]
intersect_df.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end", "rawCount"]
intersect_df["normCount"] = intersect_df["rawCount"] / library_scaling_constant
# If lengthFactor has been provided, calculate normalized rates of events
if lengthFactor:
intersect_df["normRate"] = intersect_df["normCount"] / (
(intersect_df["end"] - intersect_df["start"]) / lengthFactor
# Return a BedTool object
if lengthFactor:
return BedTool.from_dataframe(
intersect_df[["chrom", "start", "end", "normRate"]]
return BedTool.from_dataframe(
intersect_df[["chrom", "start", "end", "normCount"]]
[docs]def normalize_from_command_line(args):
"""Wrapper function for the command line function ``blockify normalize``
args: ``argparse.Namespace`` object
Input from command line
bedgraph: BedTool
Normalized command line data in bedGraph format
input_file = BedTool(args.input)
# If regions has been supplied, use it;
if args.regions:
regions_bed = BedTool(args.regions)
# otherwise, segment the file
region_segmentation = segmentation.segment(
input_file, args.method, p0=args.p0, prior=args.prior
regions_bed = BedTool.from_dataframe(region_segmentation.df)
return normalize(input_file, regions_bed, args.libraryFactor, args.lengthFactor)